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Wow! I started a new workout routine last night and all I can say about it is WOW! I have been doing the Insanity program but last night I tried the UFC Trainer for Xbox and I must say that it is very intense. After logging my first workout on the program I am so sore. The personal trainers that are working with you on screen help to give you motivation to push harder in order to achieve your goals. There was something about having a voice, even though it wasn't a real person, telling you to try harder. I felt motivated and pushed myself to do things that I didn't think I was able to do. It almost reminded me of being in basic training again. I am about half way to my project 10 weight loss goal, I should be there by next week. I hope everybody is having a great day; keep your eye
I am a few days late submitting my Project 10 video but as they say, better late than never. I have been reluctant to post a video because I am pretty secretive about my weight. I finally gave in because I feel that if I am accountable then I am more likely to succeed in attaining my goal. When I started this journey at the beginning of the year I was 40 pounds heavier than I am now. I have already met my 90 goal for weight loss but I want to get the most out of my first 90 days as possible. The last few weeks have proven very challenging but I am finding ways to overcome the roadblocks that I am facing. The link to my video is here.
