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The weight loss program that I am utilizing is having an amazing contest for those that are serious about losing weight. Visalus has a program called Project 10; each week members can submit an entry for a chance to win $1000. Every week Visalus will be selecting 10 winners for the Project 10 challenge.  All that you have to do is lose 10 pounds for the week to be able to enter. I am going to be starting my entry on Monday. I would love to help others be able to enter for their chance at the $1000 and create a team that is determined to shed those unwanted pounds. Contact me to get started and join the team.
I hope everybody has been having a good month. I am sorry that I have not posted updates here as often as I should be updating everybody. Between work, school, and family, I have been a very busy guy. I have had a difficult time fitting everything into my schedule.

As for my 90 day challenge, I have been trying to stay on top of it. The workouts have slacked off for the past week or so. I have been doing my shakes twice a day still but I have been snacking a little more than I should be. With everything that has been going on I have still managed to lose 10 pounds for the month. I would like to see more but I need to get back into the swing of it 100%.

I have learned a very valuable lesson this month, stay the course. Life always seems to get in the way of things that we set out to do. It is either that or we are just really good at making excuses as to why we should not continue on a journey. As humans, we are surely creatures of habit so maybe we do tend to make excuses more often than we should. It is really important that we knock down those excuses and continue on our paths. Nobody has ever made a great achievement by staying stagnant. U
It is long overdue for a new post! The last couple of weeks I have been sick with the flu so I have not been too ambitious in posting new information. I have managed to keep the scale heading in the right direction however, I am down over 35 pounds at this point. The exercise hasn't been real regular with my illness but my diet has not suffered.

This is a good time to discuss the point of exercise and illness. Often times we are faced with the question of whether or not to exercise while you are ill. Many people will tell you that you have to keep pushing forward with your exercise even when an illness is present. I do not believe this for several reasons. When your body has some type of illness present, the body needs rest to be able to heal properly. If you continue to exercise, you keep placing stress on the body which will hinder the healing. This can lead to long, extended illnesses. The safest way to ensure you are feeling better sooner is to take some time off, let your immune system fight off the bad bugs and get better so you can resume the routine that you have started. A few days off is far better than pushing through and winding up on an extended bed rest period.
