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It sure is easy to allow life to get in the way of your weight loss efforts. Between school, kids, work, and life in general, it has been a challenge to ensure that all of the commitments are given 100% effort. I believe that there is a mindset that you have to get yourself into in order to make everything happen. Setting goals, both short-term and long-term are the key to success. One of my short-term goals is to lose 40 pounds on my first 90 day challenge. I am excited to say that I am more than half way there and I have not even completed my first 30 days. I am super excited and I can't wait to see where Visalus takes me. I am so ready to finally be healthy and be able to walk into a regular store to buy clothes. I am sending out a challenge for anybody that wants to get healthy to join me; le
6/28/2014 11:08:22 am

Great blog, love the template.


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